Become a Member
Become a member of the Democratic Party of Benton County.
We need you to join us!
Membership in the DPBC is open to Benton County registered voters or residents 14 and older. All members in good standing with the DPBC and who have been members for at least 30 days are eligible to vote at meetings.
January is renewal month for all members.
There are no dues for membership. We ask that you renew your membership details annually so we have your most current/accurate details.
You can join the party or renew your membership in either of these ways:
We use a Google Form for online membership enrollments and renewals. We also use ActBlue for any donations you may wish to make in support of the organization.
Click here to complete your annual membership enrollment.
After completing your enrollment (or renewal) you will have the opportunity to set up a one-time or ongoing donation to support the efforts of the DPBC.
Download our membership form, complete the form, mail to us at:
PO Box 84, Rogers, AR 72757-0084