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Important Voter Dates and Links

Upcoming Election:

March 5th - Preferential Primary Election (Partisan Primary Races, Nonpartisan Judicial Races, School Board Races, and Special Elections) 

  • Voters will be asked to pick one of three ballots when they go to vote (Democrat, Nonpartisan, or Republican). The type of ballot will determine which primary elections the voter will participate in (e.g., President, State Representative, etc.).

  • ALL voters will have any school board, special municipal, and judicial races on their ballot.

  • To see your specific ballot options, scroll to the bottom of your voter registration information (search for on Arkansas Voter Registration website); this information should be available to all voters no later than Feb. 14th. 

  • To see the text for the school millage questions (no changes to existing any existing millage) and the text for the special elections in Avoca, Bella Vista, and Centerton, click HERE


Election Timeline: 

  • Feb. 5th - Last day to register to vote as a new voter in Arkansas

  • Feb. 20 - 24, Feb. 26 - Mar. 2, and Mar. 4th - Early voting days

  • Mar. 1st - Last day (by close of business) for already registered Arkansas voters to update address with the clerk's office

  • Mar. 5th - Election day from 7:30 am - 7:30 pm ​​


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